An episode of "Watch It!" featuring mostly music-related segments. Includes cab drivers' comments on Mick Jagger, blacksmiths talking about their art and lifestyles, Percy Mayfield, and more.
1:12Copy video clip URL Segment about a young kid in Chicago who cleans cars in underpasses to earn money. “I believe in making money the right way… Any kid could be out there stealing from a store.”
4:48Copy video clip URL Todd Alcott does a performance piece about the the modern world’s dependence on money.
7:53Copy video clip URL The Rolling Stones come to Philadelphia. We hear from a taxi driver who was given an extremely poor tip by Mick Jagger. Another cab driver talks about the excitement that a Stones concert brings to the city. Mick Jagger prances around on stage at the concert. The first taxi drivers continues about which stars do and don’t tip.
11:49Copy video clip URL Venice Beach performers. Cedrick the one man band plays saxophone , drums, cymbals, and possibly another instrument at the same time.
13:14Copy video clip URL Les Brown commercial.
14:43Copy video clip URL Gold Coast Dogs commercial.
15:18Copy video clip URL Skip Blumberg interviews various blacksmiths. One works outside a building used by squatters. She talks about her craft as well as squatting. “There are some very beautiful people; I’m home.” Another talks about welding art pieces.
31:19Copy video clip URL Commercial for Amnesty International USA.
31:49Copy video clip URL Queen Latifah does a PSA encouraging us to vote by bringing up the sacrifices made in the civil rights movement to earn that privilege. For MTV’s Rap the Vote.
32:36Copy video clip URL Lucille Ball and Ricky Ricardo advertise Philip Morris cigarettes.
33:01Copy video clip URL Black and white television montage.
33:19Copy video clip URL Erika Becker talks about what issues she deals with as a young girl and what the 90’s will bring. She then talks about her surgery for cerebral palsy. By Eddie Becker. Two years later she talks about the impact that the clip being on television had on her.
43:47Copy video clip URL “Poet-Laureate of the Blues” by Michael Prussian and Starr Sutherland. An intimate look at the musician Percy Mayfield. West L.A., 1982. Mayfield sings “Hit The Road, Jack” and dances his way into the kitchen to mix himself a Mudslide.
47:11Copy video clip URL Direct Effect PSA about the garbage problem.
47:42Copy video clip URL Les Brown commercial.
49:11Copy video clip URL Eddie Becker rides bicycle through the park and talks to man who is throwing a boomerang near the Washington Monument.
53:36Copy video clip URL In Jamaica Andrew Jones videotapes kids who sing for the camera. (there are names here)
59:12Copy video clip URL Direct Effect PSA urges the pro-choice view on abortion.
59:46Copy video clip URL Rapid black and white images of old buildings: commercial urging historic preservation efforts.
60:10Copy video clip URL KRS-1 urges kid s to vote for MTV’s Rap the Vote.
61:13Copy video clip URL End
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