Watch It!, episode 104-1

A "video scrapbook" featuring camcorder footage from people around the world. This episode is devoted to the King of Chicago Politics, the late Mayor Richard J. Daley.

0:00Copy video clip URL Black, color bars and tone.

0:55Copy video clip URL Show opening, introduction states that the show will focus on Chicago politics and the legacy of Mayor Richard J. Daley.

1:27Copy video clip URL Excerpt from 1986 Daley documentary. Voice over by Bill Visteen. Archival clip of Daley being interviewed about whether he will run for mayor. Introduction to the program with photographs. John Callaway reports on the day of Daley’s death. Plenty of archival footage, such as Daley being sworn in, his “shoot to kill order,” City Council meetings, the 1968 Democratic Nat. Convention, and Daley press conferences.

10:12Copy video clip URL Watch It! bumper, then B&W video footage from election day 1976. A Chicago man talks about the precinct captains that used to pay him to bring voters to the ballot box to vote for the slated candidate, although the man would always pocket the money without distributing the money for “machine” votes. “I wouldn’t vote for Daley for $9,000. Or any of his people.”

12:35Copy video clip URL “I remember Mayor Daley.” Various politicians talk about the Late Chicago Mayor Richard J. Daley. Politicians include mayor Harold Washington, former mayor Jane Byrne, and former mayor Michael Bilandic.

19:25Copy video clip URL Watch It! bumper, commercial for Gold Coast Dogs.

19:59Copy video clip URL Les Brown inspirational cassette commercial.

21:30Copy video clip URL “Fish Story.” Daley tells a story in which he compares Chicago to the wholesomeness of fishing. The story is told over still photos of Daley.

22:03Copy video clip URL Excerpt from a 1975 interview with writer Jimmy Breslin. Breslin tells a story about how Hubert Humphrey was “cheated” of the presidential nomination at the 1968 Democratic National Convention by Richard Daley, the Chicago city council, and the AFL-CIO.

25:01Copy video clip URL Excerpt from 1986 Daley documentary in which John Callaway interviews Daley’s children (now adults) and wife, Sis. They recall fond memories of their father.

36:26Copy video clip URL Watch It! bumper.

37:03Copy video clip URL Campaign commercial for Richard M. Daley.

38:03Copy video clip URL Campaign commercial for Harold Washington.

38:33Copy video clip URL More excerpts from the Daley documentary. This segment focuses on the 1968 democratic National Convention in Chicago, and the turmoil surrounding it. Many archival clips of demonstrators and police. It continues with a discussion between Frank Sullivan, former Chicago Police Dept. representative/Mayor Daley press secretary; and Dick Gregory, the African-American comedian/activist who played an important role in the protests. They remember the 1968 convention, and Daley’s legacy, from completely differing perspectives.

54:27Copy video clip URL Watch It! bumper on the 3 Penny cinema marquee.

54:46Copy video clip URL Les Brown commercial.

56:16Copy video clip URL Campaign commercial for Harold Washington.

56:46Copy video clip URL “I Remember Mayor Daley.” Several people tell stories about Daley, including Democratic Committeeman Ed Kelly and commentator Len O’Connor.

59:23Copy video clip URL “Only You Dick Daley.” A segment that features sound bytes of Daley being alternately witty and sharp-tongued. Put under archival footage of Daley.

1:01:01Copy video clip URL End of tape.



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