[WBBM-TV 10pm news: Vyrdolyak/Cicero controversy]

WBBM-TV Chicago 10pm news, featuring Carol Marin reporting on a scandal surrounding former Alderman Edward Vyrdolyak's law firm, which billed the city of Cicero, IL almost $2 million dollars in 1998 and 1999.

00:00Copy video clip URL Black.

00:27Copy video clip URL Camera opens on Carol Marin reporting on Oscar D’Angelo for Chicago Channel 2 ten o’clock news. A reporter speaks with D’Angelo about an O’Hare airport contract scandal. The reporter continues to explain the intricacies of the controversy. Report on new apartments in the South Loop and city contracts.

5:28Copy video clip URL Marin moves to report on the city of Cicero and former Alderman Edward Vrdolyak. Marin explains that Vrdolyak’s law firm has been hired as a legal advisor for $250 an hour, resulting in a bill of $1.8 million over less than two years. A man from the Better Government Association speaks to the unnecessary expense. Marin talks about the lack of clarity for what work Vrdolyak’s firm is doing for the city. 

10:15Copy video clip URL Marin reports on a murder of seven people at a diner that has been reopened based on DNA evidence. Report on a child in a custody battle. NASDAQ report. Entrepreneur conference. Commercial break. Headlines.

16:03Copy video clip URL Marin reports on economic justice on the anniversary of MLK Jr.’s assassination. March for more school funding led by Rev. Jesse Jackson. She speaks to a woman from the Chicago Reporter about minority business contracting. Weather report. Commercial break. Sports report. Commercial break.

30:00Copy video clip URL Marin reports on facial hair policies at Disney parks.

31:12Copy video clip URL Marin reports again on the custody battle of Elian Gonzalez. Report on abortion ban bill. Report on the city of Cicero’s police department spending scandal. Report on a sexual assault in the South Loop. Report on the Chicago murder rate and illegal guns. Commercial break.

48:50Copy video clip URL Marin reports on genetically engineered foods. Report on the mayors health. Weather report. Report on Sears’ and Krispy Kreme’s stocks. Commercial break. Sports report. Commercial break. Sports report continues. End of the broadcast.

1:01:56Copy video clip URL Tape ends.



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