Message to the Grass Roots: We All Need to Support the Gang Truce

An episode of Message to the Grass Roots, a cable access talk show produced & hosted by Michael Zinzun from 1988-1998 at Pasadena Community Access Corporation, which is now Pasadena Media . This program focuses on the LA gang truce.

00:18Copy video clip URL “Message to the Grass Roots with Michael Zinzun: Why we all need to support the Gang Truce now!” Guests: John Williams, Dannette Holmes, Perry Crouch, Theresa Allison, and Juan Legino. He plays an introductory video from “Watts Up!”

2:55Copy video clip URL Video begins. Montage of imagery about gang violence and activity. Don Gordon and Tony Bogard, community members, speak about the changes that the gang truce has made in the community. People in the Jordan Downs housing community comment on the truce, including a young girl. Some men playing basketball, and some sitting and talking. Theresa Allison, a member of Mother’s ROC, talks about the way media perceives black men. Dannette Holmes and Juan Longino talk about the truce and violence. Footage of spray painted murals. They continue to ask community members that live in housing projects how they feel about the truce. Footage from a truce party. 

9:30Copy video clip URL They speak about a prison bring built in the neighborhood. Zinzun speaking at a community meeting about the profiling of black men. Allison speaks about Mothers ROC. Community members discuss the killing of Henry Pecos. Memorial for Pecos. They speak about the relationship between the police and the community. They return to talking about how the gang truce was instated, and how the police have reacted to it. Footage of police breaking up a truce party. Zinzun at the community meeting talking about unjust arrests. Footage of arrests. Community members speak about a factory in their neighborhood. Congressman Walter Tucker speaks about bringing jobs to the community. More footage of the truce party. Community members talk about meetings and events that work to unite the community. Credits for the video. 

26:30Copy video clip URL Return to Message to the Grassroots. Zinzun comments on the video. Commercial break. Crouch, Legino, and Allison speak about what they expect to see come out of the truce. Williams speaks about a memorial the death of a community member. They move on to speak about unity and eliminating racial or community divides, both within the community and between the community and the outside. They speak about the decrease in violence in the community. Williams articulates the responsibilities adults play in diverting youth from gang activities. Holmes advises listeners to come out and support the truce. They take a phone call about unity. They take a second call about eliminating self-hatred and racism. Zinzun reiterates the need to support the truce. 

57:52Copy video clip URL Credits. 

59:13Copy video clip URL Tape ends. 



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