00:00Copy video clip URL Video opens with announcement from the Caribbean Council for the Blind and title image: We Can Make it Work.
00:27Copy video clip URL Camera opens on the back of a man who is feeding chickens. A woman narrator speaks about the importance of access to the world of work to be able to meet the basic needs of living and contribute to community, while the camera shows community members completing various jobs.
00:50Copy video clip URL Narrator speaks about the success of blind and visually impaired persons throughout the Caribbean who are contributing to the workforce.
1:10Copy video clip URL Cut to footage of a blind woman weaving a seat of a stool. A new narrator discusses how the blind and visually impaired around the world throughout history have been assigned the role of the basketmaker and craftsman. This is true of the Caribbean.
1:34Copy video clip URL More footage of individuals weaving. The narrator discusses a craft co-op that has been established. This co-op moves workers out of the “sheltered employment” situation and into a space of self-management and administration.
2:24Copy video clip URL Cut to an individual playing the guitar and a visually impaired woman singing.
2:52Copy video clip URL The camera cuts to an interview with the two individuals who were performing.
4:10Copy video clip URL Cut to a man, Mr. Brown, standing outside of a tin building. He proceeds to enter the building and cares for the chickens inside. The narrator tells Mr. Brown’s story of reentering the workforce after experiencing the loss of vision.
5:28Copy video clip URL Mr. Wilson, a volunteer with the Society for the Blind who helps visually impaired persons reestablish independence, speaks about his work.
6:34Copy video clip URL The camera cuts to a visually impaired person operating a drill in a workshop. The narrator speaks about the accommodations that can be made to support the blind and visually impaired working in a factory.
7:02Copy video clip URL The narrator introduces several visually impaired individuals who have found independence working in factory settings.
8:40Copy video clip URL Peter, working at phone assembly plant as a telephone repairman, speaks about how visually impaired people should be accepted as members of society.
9:40Copy video clip URL Narrator speaks about occupational professions that require advanced education. The visually impaired in the Caribbean are taking advantage of open door policy for international education opportunities in the careers of their choice.
10:00Copy video clip URL Nila, a physical therapist, speaks about her experience. She attended school in England where she received 3 years of training and her degree in physical therapy. Nila finds much satisfaction and independence in her work.
11:20Copy video clip URL The camera cuts to an open marketplace and a group of individuals buying and selling goods. The narrator talks about small business enterprises as an opportunity for visually impaired persons to supplement their family income.
12:16Copy video clip URL An individual speaks about his experience selling goods, and work as a necessary means of survival.
13:00Copy video clip URL Footage of a record store.
13:15Copy video clip URL The camera cuts to footage of a woman operating a typewriter. The narrator speaks about opportunities for the visually impaired to work in office settings.
13:32Copy video clip URL One woman, Alinda, shares her experience working in an office, typing business letters.
14:10Copy video clip URL Director of secretarial services speaks about Alinda’s great work and determination to succeed.
14:48Copy video clip URL The camera cuts to two women working in a government ministry as telephone switchboard operators. The narrator shares their stories.
16:24Copy video clip URL One woman shares her experience working as a typist.
17:42Copy video clip URL The footage ends and credits begin.
18:06Copy video clip URL Tape ends.
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