[Weinberg’s Short History of Camcorder Journalism]

For Toronto 3/12/94.

0:00Copy video clip URL Black.

0:30Copy video clip URL Clip from “Four More Years” with Nixon youth shouting “Four More Years.”

0:50Copy video clip URL FMY: Nixon youth defend themselves from accusations that they are being paid or coerced.

1:44Copy video clip URL FMY: woman organizes the Nixonettes in preparation for a party.

2:28Copy video clip URL FMY: Nixon accepts nomination. Ron Kovic leads the Vietnam Vets Against The War, passionately yelling, “stop the bombing.” Then we see Kissinger and a child celebrating inside the Republican National Convention, as well as balloons being released.

3:31Copy video clip URL Clip from “Adland.” George Lois, chairman, Lois, Holland, Callaway, New York, explains the power that comes from commercial production – “Poom! It’s like poison gas..Poom! That’s sensational. Oh yeah, that’s great.”

4:09Copy video clip URL Clip from “Adland.” Hudson Marquez feeds Camel cigarrettes to a camel.  “TV is a cannabalistic medium.”

4:45Copy video clip URL Clip from Chicago Area Videomakers Coalition sampler, “Slices of Chicago.” Weinberg in Comiskey Park; introduces “Media Burn.”

5:19Copy video clip URL Clip from “Media Burn.” Drivers prepare for takeoff, then crash through burning TV sets.

7:02Copy video clip URL Clip from “Five Day Bicycle Race.” 1976 Democratic National Convention in New York City. Delegate introduces himself. We see some sort of a parade. Jesse Jackson talks about the problems he has been having getting representation on the floor.

8:34Copy video clip URL Five Day Bicycle Race: Interview with man in bar about the convention.

9:01Copy video clip URL Clips from “Overnight Man.” Joe Cummings reports on the site about a fire. Then we see him in the studio and he talks about his humble background and the various jobs he has held throughout his life. Then we see him reporting over the phone about a man who died on the “El” train at the Washington stop. Weinberg interviews Cummings about how often he reports out on the street. We see him reading a story in the studio at WBBM.

12:57Copy video clip URL Skokie. People are interviewed by Joe Cummings on the street about what country they are from. Then the same people are asked about how they like living in Skokie and how it compares to their native countries.

14:51Copy video clip URL First episode of “Image Union.” We see opening with Bob.

15:37Copy video clip URL Clip from “Golden Gloves.” Weinberg interviews young boy about why he wants to be a boxer. Then we see a clip from the end of a match where the boy wins. He shows us his trophy. Next we see the boy at his shoeshining job. He talks about knowing that he’s going to make it.

19:02Copy video clip URL Dan Rostenkowski in Washington DC. Rostenkowski gives speech. Then we have interview with him in an office. He talks about being Daley’s right hand man. Pulaski Park. We see the area where Rostenkowski grew up.

20:47Copy video clip URL Bill Murray introduces “Wired In.”

21:10Copy video clip URL Lily Tomlin talks about her trials as a Pac-Man addict.

21:55Copy video clip URL Wired In excerpt #1: Video Games. Woman talks about the rising phenomenon of video games. Jamie (Jay) Fenton, game designer, explains the creation of video games and the ethical problems about creating them. We see a family where the mother talk s about game arcades as the new place for youth to congregate. Tomlin warns us again about the addictive powers of Pac-Man. Wired In logo.

24:06Copy video clip URL Excerpt from “Ambassadors of Cabrini” by Lilly Ollinger. Documentary about the Jesse White Tumblers, a gymnastic group made up predominantly of kids from the Chicago Housing Authority’s Cabrini Green. In this clip, we watch the Tumblers perform in the hallways of Cabrini and hear them talk about disadvantages they have suffered growing up in the projects. “We can do the stuff that [the white kids] do. They can do it a little bit better because they have more money.”

26:18Copy video clip URL “Clip from This is a Test.” Man cheers about how much he loves the Rolling Stones. People prepare for a Stones concert. Taxi driver complains that Mick Jagger only gave him a dollar tip. Other taxi drivers talk about how crazy the city gets when the Stones come to town. We see the Stones perform to a gigantic audience.

30:33Copy video clip URL Tribute to Richard J Daley. Voice over about Daley with still photographs. Description of Daley’s death. Clip of John Callaway reporting. History of Daley’s life with archival film footage. Chicagoans talk about the way Daley ran Chicago.

35:12Copy video clip URL End of tape.



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