Welcome Back Kotter #101-S: The Election

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0:00 Bars and tone. Audio Channel 2 only.

0:30 Slate. Welcome Back Kotter: The Election.

0:55 Gabe Kaplan and other woman doing semi-racist joke about Asians.

1:35 Show opening and credits.

2:27 Hole for commercials.

4:27 Show resumes. This episode involves the race for student body president. Jokes include “Hey, if you’re president , I’d be first lady!”/”Don’t get ahead of yourself, a woman’s place is in the car.” or “Let’s see what kind of press secretary you’d be. What would you plan to do?”/”No comment.” Practically every line is a joke. There are lots of puns on words like right-hand-man or cabinet. John Travolta’s campaign slogan is “Vote for Vinnie and nobody gets hurt.” “You guys know what the conventions are, right?”/”Yeah man, that’s when 8,000 turkeys dress up in suits and vote for the turkey with the most balloons.” Gabe Kaplan can’t say a single line without smirking.

13:55 Hole for commercials.

15:57 Show resumes. More jokes – guy is complaining that the teachers lounge is boring, so Kaplan responds “Hey Epstein, for fun we just pass around your test papers.” John Travolta is extremely terrible at pretending to speak Italian. Kaplan responds by doing terrible Yiddish. Epstein’s joke – “You think it’s easy growing up a Puerto Rican Jew? Half my siblings were out stealing pants, the other half were altering them.”

25:49 Hole for commercials.

27:52 Kotter at home with wife cooking something his wife doesn’t approve of, that seems to involve pouring tons of beer in a pot.

28:38 End Credits.

29:45 End of tape.



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