[Wired In 16 minute video demo]

The tape features a demo for the television show "Wired In." While the program never actually came to fruition, the footage and demos put together are an interesting look into the the technological trends and innovations of the 1980s.

00:00Copy video clip URL Title screen.

00:33Copy video clip URL Cut to the Bill Murray intro for the program.

00:55Copy video clip URL Fade into a segment featuring Lily Tomlin giving a Pac Man PSA.

01:39Copy video clip URL Cut to the video game excerpt. We see footage from inside an arcade, hear a few words about video games from Bally/Midway Programmer Jamie (Jay) Fenton, and spend time with a family playing Atari. Arcade owner Silver Sue talks about the much needed exposure people are getting to computers through arcade games. This lasts for several minutes.

03:49Copy video clip URL Cut to a compilation of vintage commercials.

05:11Copy video clip URL Cut to a Whiz Kids excerpt. We watch as children work with computers. Fourteen year old Joel Heller links up to a network and sends a early version of an e-mail to another person. Joel’s mother talks about the frightening aspects of electronic communication and her ineptitude with computers. Joel makes an interesting observation about his communicating with another person through the computer. “When someone you don’t know writes to you sometimes you forget that it’s another human being writing to you. It’s not the computer.” Joel’s mother goes on to talk about the generation gap in the computer world.

08:32Copy video clip URL Bill Murray comments on the technological advancements made in recent years.

09:04Copy video clip URL Cut to a excerpt entitled “The Produce Market.” We see footage from inside of a technology convention in Las Vegas. One man showcases a portable computer/briefcase.

10:17Copy video clip URL Cut to a excerpt on Club Med in the Bahamas. Several people talk about the lack of technology on the island. One woman says she misses her television and hair blow dryer. Another man says that the resort is meant to bring visitors closer to nature and the outdoors. We watch as a number of people take part in outdoor activities. Eventually we watch as a few people play Pac Man at the resort. A few people make comments on the infusion of an advanced technology on the island. One man says that having a computer on the resort is fitting. “I think for a person who is afraid of computers, you would find a computer system here like the serpent in the Garden of Eden that walks into the room and there’s a big Atari 800 system. But I think in a way it’s fitting because that may be the relaxation of twenty-years from now.”

13:29Copy video clip URL Cut to the Move Magic excerpt. We watch a compilation of computer graphic imagery. Richard Taylor of Information International Inc. comments on the progression of computer technology. Chuck Comisky of Private Stock talks about the use of special effects in the movie world. Taylor goes on to talk about the difficulty in recreating the human figure.

15:42Copy video clip URL Cut to a different version of the Bill Murray intro. The tape ends shortly afterward.

16:19Copy video clip URL Tape ends.



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