Wired In 1982/1995 Recut

The tape features a demo for the television show "Wired In." While the program never actually came to fruition, the footage and demos put together are an interesting look into the the technological trends and innovations of the 1980s. This video contains a recut of the "Wired In" demo.

00:00Copy video clip URL This tape begins with a black screen.

00:07Copy video clip URL Cut to a shot of Bill Murray introducing the show.

00:15Copy video clip URL Fade into the title sequence for the show.

00:28Copy video clip URL Cut to two interviews with a number of children who are talking about computer technology. One child talks about a dream she had about having all the computers in the world. A young girl refers to a computer as “a piece of machinery that’s made into like a sort of mechanic brain. Teenager Joel Heller talks about the control human beings have over computers. He then takes us through the process of using a program called “MagFan,” a electronic mail service. Heller reads one of his electronic letters out loud. Heller’s mother comments on her son’s computer use. Heller goes on to make a comments about electronic communication. “When someone you don’t know writes to you, sometimes you forget that it’s another human being writing to you. It’s not the computer.” This lasts for several minutes.

03:28Copy video clip URL Dissolve into another title screen.

03:32Copy video clip URL Cut to footage of Video Game Designer Jamie (Jay) Fenton demoing a prototype for a new game. She talks about the balance between difficulty levels in gaming. Fenton also comments on the rush she gets when she sees her work being enjoyed by the general public. Footage of various arcade games is infused into the footage.

04:27Copy video clip URL Cut to a segment featuring Comedian Lily Tomlin. She discusses her Pac-Man addiction.

05:13Copy video clip URL Richard Taylor of Magi Inc. talking about the progression of computer graphics. We watch footage of the state of the art computer program “Adam Powers.”

05:44Copy video clip URL Bill Murray comments on the current state of technology. This is then followed by his intro for the program.

06:37Copy video clip URL Cut to black screen.

07:38Copy video clip URL Cut to another intro segment featuring Bill Murray followed by footage of the computer program “Adam Powers.”

08:34Copy video clip URL Tape ends.



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