The tape features segment pulls for the television show "Wired In." While the program never actually came to fruition, the footage and demos put together are an interesting look into the the technological trends and innovations of the 1980s.
00:00Copy video clip URL This tape begins with footage of different Wired In title sequences. This lasts for several minutes.
07:48Copy video clip URL Cut to footage from inside an arcade. Arcade owner Silver Sue comments on the current state of video games. This cuts into footage of an interview with Bally/Midway Programmer Jamie (Jay) Fenton. She talks about the amount of work that went into the video game “Roto.” We also see footage from a video game expo. One man believes that “Roto” will be a big hit. We also see footage of a number of other video games. This lasts for several minutes.
12:11Copy video clip URL Cut to footage from inside a Bally/Midway factory where Ms. Pac Man games are being built. Marketing executive Stanley Jarocki comments on the Pac Man franchise. Fenton eventually goes on to comment on the failure of “Roto.”
16:37Copy video clip URL Cut to footage of Lily Tomlin doing a straight-faced PSA parody about Pac Man addiction.
19:12Copy video clip URL Cut to one of the Wired In intro sequences. Richard Taylor of Information International Inc. talks about the use of computer simulation. We then see footage of the “Adam Powers” program. Another man works with an Elocon Motion Control Camera. Chuck Comisky talks about the use of special effects in movies. Various clips of spaceships from Star Trek and Battlestar Galactica are included in the footage. This lasts for several minutes.
25:23Copy video clip URL Cut to footage of dolphin trainers who are working with a computer program called “Janus” in order to communicate with dolphins. We watch as the trainers utilize the equipment in hopes of developing a common language between humans and dolphins. This lasts for several minutes.
30:39Copy video clip URL Tape ends.
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