An irreverent documentary produced by video pioneers covering the 1972 Democratic National Convention in Miami Beach, Florida. This was the first major news event to be covered by portable video cameras. The tape is experimental, informative, and humorous. This video is for personal/educational use only. For more information, check out TVTVNow: //
0:00Copy video clip URL Black.
0:09Copy video clip URL Opening with TVTV logo. Miami Beach, July 7-14, 1972. Video scrapbook. Pan through exterior of location where the Democratic National Convention is being held.
0:52Copy video clip URL Assorted brief clips.
1:30Copy video clip URL Interview with Roberta K. Johnson, Wallace delegate, about why she supports Wallace.
1:44Copy video clip URL “Waiting for the candidates.” Mayor of Miami Beach on stage. We see the news crews waiting.
3:24Copy video clip URL Johnson claims that God intervened with Wallace because he took five bullets and lived through it.
3:43Copy video clip URL Footage from Colorado, 8/11/71. George McGovern claims that it takes no courage to stand up against Vietnam at the present, but it did take a lot of courage to stand up against it early on, when he was doing it.
4:14Copy video clip URL Inside the convention center.
4:42Copy video clip URL “Tooling up.” More inside the convention. We see the video cameras being setup. We see the telephone board.
6:28Copy video clip URL Willie Brown talks strategy with his delegates, including Shirley Maclaine. ABC wireless news camera gets set up.
8:12Copy video clip URL Beach. Press pack pickup. Michael Shamberg and Tom Weinberg. They are told to stand in line and fill out form. As they write down the names of the 30 members of their group, we are introduced to everyone at the house. They get their media passes.
10:18Copy video clip URL Camera crew gets hassled by Secret Service and are asked to turn off their cameras. Their credentials are checked.
12:22Copy video clip URL Skip Blumberg explains TVTV’s philosophy of videotaping the whole situation and putting themselves into the scene.
13:01Copy video clip URL Michael Shamberg is interviewed by a magazine reporter. He explains TVTV’s philosophy of small format video. They are not interested in mass media because it is inherently ineffective, and instead advocates the use of special purpose media.
14:55Copy video clip URL “The way it came out.” We read the published article. Instead of the well-thought out philosophy that Shamberg explained, the article describes them as a group of hippies who like to chill out and smoke pot in the booth.
15:24Copy video clip URL National anthem. We see some Illinois politicians.
16:26Copy video clip URL California challenge. Willie Brown gives speech about injustices suffered by their delegation in removing minorities.
17:28Copy video clip URL Brown talks strategy with delegate crew. He explains that the camera crews will not undermine their mission because the footage won’t be broadcast for a few weeks.
21:22Copy video clip URL Weinberg watching footage of Brown on TV. Asks us if we understood any of the previous footage.
21:42Copy video clip URL Shirley Maclaine talks about the strategy. Maureen interviews Brown.
22:25Copy video clip URL Brown on the floor advises the delegates about their strategy. Man reports the advice back to the people.
25:52Copy video clip URL Another ABC news cameraman sets up, says he wants to stay back.
26:57Copy video clip URL “The unseating of Mayor Daley.” Man plays the song “Chicago (That Toddlin’ Town)” on the piano.
27:28Copy video clip URL “Whatever happened to Jerry Rubin?” Hudson Marquez: “I’m sick of being a media junkie.”
27:40Copy video clip URL People yell “2 inch color videotape!” Kids complain about the media presence on the beach. Drugged out girl complains about Jesus freaks.
29:30Copy video clip URL Interview with Jerry Rubin.
30:58Copy video clip URL Footage of Chicago Mayor Richard J. Daley at the 1968 Democratic Convention appearing to call Governor Abe Ribicoff a “fucking kike.”
31:38Copy video clip URL Chicago alderman William Singer. He ran for mayor after becoming disillusioned with Daley because he sat near Daley at the 1968 Convention and heard him yelling. Anda Korsts does voice over.
32:51Copy video clip URL Nebraska caucus. Complain about Chicago politics being shady. Governor of Nebraska talks.
35:52Copy video clip URL Singer gives speech about the Chicago challenge. Others at the Michigan delegation speak on the issue. Alderman Ed Burke speaks about currently being the youngest alderman. Congressman Roman Pucinski speaks.
37:52Copy video clip URL The challengers get their credentials. Singer signs something.
39:00Copy video clip URL Challenge wins. Pucinski interviewed. Very upset about the decision, which he says disenfranchised thousands of voters.
40:55Copy video clip URL Singer talks about the issue and says that the Chicago delegation was fairly representative. He watches the tape of himself and tells Anda how he feels about it. He didn’t find them invasive. Anda says they were worried they were intrusive, but he says that he didn’t even notice them. We see the clip of Singer celebrating again.
43:50Copy video clip URL Miami Snapshots. Man drives cameraperson in boat. Nancy Cain is among those on the boat.
44:48Copy video clip URL Driving down street with palm trees. Hudson Marquez complains about pushy Cadillacs and poodles.
45:25Copy video clip URL Old people smile and wave. They don’t believe the camera is actually on. Wolfie’s Restaurant. Inside shop, man says that the politicians come to that restaurant. Proprietor says that the beef stew is the best anywhere and has tasted the same for 20 years.
46:30Copy video clip URL Woman poses and shows us her ankle bracelet.
47:05Copy video clip URL In car with man who says that he is leaving and going to North Carolina because he is sick of the traffic.
47:47Copy video clip URL Man on street says he has no interest in the convention.
48:24Copy video clip URL People celebrate at the convention. Orth interviews Doug Kiker of NBC. She asks him about the reliability of NBC’s reporting. He says that they never even vaguely suggest things that aren’t true. Dan Rather talks about representation in the convention. He is impressed that the young people weren’t so wild. Cassy Mackin of NBC talks about women in the convention – “Its a piece of cake!”
50:33Copy video clip URL Wallace delegate Roberta K. Johnson is interviewed, then interviewed again watching the video of her interview.
52:59Copy video clip URL Man talks about how Wallace supporters dress well and tells the TVTV woman that she needs to dress better.
54:49Copy video clip URL Michael Shamberg walks around asking about Eagleton. Hudson Marquez laughs crazily and runs away.
55:44Copy video clip URL San Francisco Chronicle.
55:56Copy video clip URL Walter Cronkite talks about long sessions on TV monitor and says he likes getting more to say.
56:17Copy video clip URL Empty convention hall. People take things down. Woman talks about sneaking in to the convention. She is voting for McGovern.
58:08Copy video clip URL End credits.
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