Happy Birthday, Jimmy Carter!

Former President Jimmy Carter celebrated his 91st birthday on October 1, 2015. Many say that he has been the most effective ex-President in history. He won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2002 for his Carter Center activities worldwide. Despite his brain tumors, Carter still teaches Sunday school in Georgia and is active in Habitat for Humanity.

Habitat for Humanity started in 1976 and has built more than a million houses all over the world for more than five million people. Carter has always been unassuming and hands-on, as can be seen from this video by Nancy Cain and Judith Binder (originally shown on THE 90’s series in 1990) when he and Rosalynn were working on a new house with Habitat in San Diego.

Watch the full episode of THE 90’s, Invasions and Revolutions, at mediaburn.org.



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